Lil Yachty Creates A Surprisingly Controversial AOTY contender; Margo Price Shines On ‘Strays’; Samia’s Artistry Is As Sweet As ‘Honey’; and Cicada Has Me ‘Seeking the Sources of Streams’

By Joshua Gutierrez - Editor

The discussion of AOTY is one thing… Discussing what could be an all-time important album is another.

Upon first listen to Lil Yachty’s “Let’s Start Here.” I came away thinking what a fantastic album and an instant contender for AOTY in MY OWN BOOKS. But as I finished multiple listens and soaked in the rapid responses across the community, my opinions shifted to how influential this work could be.

While I think many felt the same way, the polar reactions against the traditionally Trap Rap artist’s work suddenly became contentious. Pitchfork, perhaps the biggest opponent, gave the work perhaps the most critical 6.0 score I’ve ever read. Many of the same sentiments sprinkled across the community and I was suddenly shocked.

Let’s let time tell where this album will end up, but I hope it cultivates greater favor among those I believe to be overtly critical.

If it were not for “Let’s Start Here.”, I’d say my AOTM title for 1+ Million artists would easily go to “Strays,” by the unconquerable Margo Price. The outcast country artist has long been a favorite, but this album pushes her to a deserved critical respect. From the majestically humble “Landfill” to the raucous “Been to the Mountain,” this album is a genre-spanning statement.

“The Baby” by indie-pop stalwart Samia, led by Samia Finnerty, is an essential 2020 listen. Three years later, their latest release “Honey” will be another essential listen. “Kill Her Freak out” is pretty darn close to perfection and “Honey” is the subtle pop anthem I need in my life.

Lastly, my Hidden Gem AOTY could have gone to J. Wiegold’s “Norfolk Serpent” or Cicada’s “Seeking the Sources of Streams.” While my lil title went to the latter, both albums showcase my growing love of ambient works… though it may be hard to pigeonhole these works as purely ambient.

A great first month of music in 2023! Last year, February dipped in terms of quantity, but produced Hurray for the Riff Raff’s “LIFE ON EARTH,” ROSALIA’s “MOTOMAMI” and Black Country New Road’s “Ants From Up There”…. So, there is no rest for the bloggers!!!!


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