Thank You For Your Interest!!!
Below you will have the opportunity to fill out a form to get the interview process started!
The following is a basic guideline of what to anticipate in the interview process. Understand these are rough guidelines to follow. Multiple takes can be offered, as this will NOT be conducted live. Guests are encouraged to formulate responses beforehand and should be prepared to thoughtfully answer follow-up questions when asked.
Quick Introduction - 1 Minute
Pre-Recorded Segment Introducing Guest
Standard Questions - 15-18 Minutes
Every Show Will Feature These Questions
1. What was the first album you bought and how do you think it influenced your odyssey as a fan of music? (5-6 Minutes)
2. What artist/band has influenced your odyssey most? (5-6 Minutes)
3. What person influenced your odyssey with music most? (5-6 Minutes)
Dynamic Questions - 10-12 Minutes
Unique Questions Will Be Developed for Each Guest
These questions will hopefully be sent to guest multiple days to weeks prior to recording.
Important Information To Know -
Below is information pertinent to the recording process, highly recommended practices to take and how What’s Your Playlist Odyssey? will be shared with the world.
Interviews will be conducted on Riverside.FM. (Download Mobile App Here)
If using a desktop or laptop, Riverside.FM works only on Google Chrome.
If using a mobile device, the Riverside.FM app MUST be downloaded.
Good headphones, microphone and a quiet environment are required.
Only one subject will be interviewed per podcast episode.
Additional people may be added to the chat room (ex: PR Reps, Management).
Episodes will be published on all major streaming services and audio parts of the interview will be published for use on Instagram.
At this moment, the podcast will not require visual participation and will only be published for audio use only.
This podcast will be edited in post production and multiple takes can be offered.
An attempt will be made to allow guests to preview the episode, but no guarantees can be offered.
Thank you!