What to expect as a Guest!

The Interview format of What's Your Playlist Odyssey? Podcast will always begin with the following three questions.

1. What's the first album you bought and how has it shaped your odyssey as a music fan?

2. What artist/band has been the most influential in your odyssey?

3. What person has influenced your odyssey as a music fan the most?

Ideally, each response should take about 5 minutes each. Please be prepared to expand upon your answers and react to related questions on the

the conversation response and examination will last about 5 minutes each. Please be prepared to expand upon your answers and react to related questions on the spot. 

The following question will relate specifically to the guest's occupation, role or area of expertise. Artist or band members could expect to to be asked about an upcoming release or tour; music reviewers about their blog; vinyl collectors about their collection... etc...